I worked From 7am to 3pm and then headed to my moms house to shower and get ready for my friend Johnnie's bridal/bachelorlette party. I didn't get to go on the party bus to Tempe because I had to be at work at 7am the next day, but I had fun with the girls. Krystle couldn't go either so her and I got dinner after and it was great to chat with her.
Krystle, Me, Chantelle, And Jenny (sister of the Bride)
Sunday after work I mostly hung out with my Mom. I still wasn't feeling very well so her and I had tea and snacks and watched some tv and talked. I loved catching up with her. I don't see my family enough. Tuesday after my handy man Dad added some antifreeze to my car. (Thanks again Daddy!) my Mom and I had some more quality time. We ate at Jason's Deli which has the best salad bar and sweet tea ever! Then I worked some more Thursday and Friday. Friday after work was Johnnie and Justin's Wedding. I didn't get to go to the ceremony but I did make in in time for the reception and was able to snap a few photos.
Seriously, Look how good she looks!
Krystle & Kolby
Johnnie & Me
Hear hear to the Happy Couple.
May you both live as long as you want, and never want as long as you live
-Irish Blessing
-Irish Blessing
I hope that Ill have more time this week to blog. I didn't get to Fill in the Blanks last week so I better get to this week. I'll make time I'm sure.