Monday, October 3, 2011


 I'm a list person. I like making shopping list, to-do list, and basically any list that makes my life more organized. I'll admit, I'm not as organized as I'd like to be but I have been trying to get my act together. I saw this 21 day organization list on Pinterest and thought that it was a simple way to get your house de-cluttered without ruining a whole day by cleaning. I don't really look at it like a challenge (like her blog says), more of a helpful tool to help remind me that just because its a drawer and I can close it, doesn't mean it should be unsightly. So I'm going to give it a try. Here is the list and just in time to get my house ready for the holidays.





  • Join the Challenge (at any time)
  • Day 1 - Junk Drawer
  • Day 2 - Computer Desk
  • Day 3 - Tupperware Cabinet
  • Day 4 - Linen Closet ( We don't have so I'm changing to entertainment center)
  • Day 5 - Under kitchen sink
  • Day 6 - Dresser Drawers
  • Day 7 - The Pantry
  • Day 8 - Coat Closet
  • Day 9 - Toy organization ( I'm changing to Books)
  • Day 10 - Laundry Room
  • Day 11 - The Freezer
  • Day 12 - Spice Cabinet
  • Day 13 - Medicine Cabinet (We don't have this either so I'm doing bathroom drawers.)
  • Day 14 - Under bathroom sink
  • Day 15 - Medicine/Vitamin Storage
  • Day 16 - The Fridge
  • Day 17 - The Mail
  • Day 18 - Keepsakes
  • Day 19 - Master Closet
  • Day 20 - Photos
  • Day 21 - You pick!

Happy organizing. 


  1. I always make lists too, the problem is I often forget to read my lists =)

    Dont forget to enter my $50 La Posh Style giveaway!

  2. this sounds like a gr8 challenge!!! i def may have to do the same!!
