Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Last hurrah before school.

           Well January has come and is about to leave. And as my lack of blogging might show, I have been quite busy. Not only is it the busiest time at my job, but I'm back in school and I'm taking more than a full load this time around. I have some hope that I may be able to join the interpreter program this fall compared to next fall which would put me in the running to graduate in May 2013. That idea makes me very happy, but I'm not sure how realistic it is at the moment. But let me tell you, I'm going to do whatever it takes. I'll keep you all posted on my school endeavors as they come. As for now, all I can really tell you is that I go to school 5 days a week, work 5 days a week and I love Sundays because I get to sleep in!! Wednesday is one of the days that I don't work but I spend it at school literary from 9-5 (not including drive time) It sucks but in the end it will all be worth it.

Okay enough about that. Lets talk fun!

The week before I went back to school, my sister and niece came to Arizona to visit! As you probably know, my sister and I are very close and that baby, is one of the best things to have ever happened to me. She is just a joy and every second I spend with her is a pleasure. She makes me want to be a better person. I know super lame but, honestly she does. I never want her to think I'm a bad person. I will always remember seeing her for the first time entering this world. We have a serious bond. My sister and I say it was because we "imprinted".  I was the first person to see and hold that baby as me and the doc handed her to Sammie and Austin. Best moment of my life so far.  Okay, I said lets talk fun, and this is getting all sappy so lets move on to the visit!

Sammie and Maisie landed at Sky Harbor on a Tuesday afternoon and flew out the following Monday. So we basically had a week. Not long enough but we did get lots done. Mostly it was just family time, eating, laughing. You know, being Lloyds. We all had lots of fun with them in town.

Phoenix Zoo
Dinner at Dillions
Bath time
Maisie loving a faux fur scarf

Oh and I'll tell you what. This girl and I both love big glasses.

Her in her glasses

Her in my glasses

How much fun we all had! Come back soon. I miss you both more than you know.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New Year!

2012 is here my friends and I can't believe how fast it came. It honestly seems like just a few months ago Kolby and I were having our new years kiss on the balcony and talking about what we wanted out of the year. 2011 has soared by and as much as I enjoyed it, I'm excited for the freshness of a new year.

This year Kolby was working so I didn't get to share my new years eve with him. Instead, I went to my friend  RC,  Thomas (yes he moved back!), and Andy's house.  It was really a good time. We popped bubbly, danced, and chatted away. I did miss Kolby though. We had an early new years celebration so we could kiss and discus what we want out of 2012. He doesn't like the term "new years resolution" so we can just call it goals I guess.

Our biggest goal is to be smart with our money and to save as much as we can.

I have a few goals of my own, but the biggest personal goal is I want to really devote this year to school. Take as many classes as I can and get amazing at ASL. I want to join the interpreter program in 2013, so 2012 is my big year to get all of my classes done, and to be confident with my signing.

                                  Cheers Everyone! Hope 2012 is good to you!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Merry Christmas 2011

  Merry Christmas Everyone!


Christmas this year was a very eventful and wonderful day. In the morning we did our little gift opening at our place, then headed over to my parents house for cinnamon rolls, shooting, food, and gifts. After we left there, we headed over to Kolbys families house and ate some more, and did gifts as well. To end the night, we went to our friends Christmas party. The whole day was so much fun and well, perfect.

Every year, Kolby says " We made out like bandits!" on our final drive back to our place. And he is right. So thank you everyone for such awesome and thoughtful gifts. We are very appreciative. But thank you most of all for letting us spend Christmas with you! Kolby and I are so lucky to have so many important people to share the holidays with.